path: root/.zs/list
diff options
authordelta <>2025-02-03 22:58:46 +0100
committerdelta <>2025-02-03 22:58:46 +0100
commit41a6d16ef6a356bc286b0eafe267d04aeed174f3 (patch)
tree86fe71416dc5f802bacec930f9afadd453824423 /.zs/list
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to '.zs/list')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.zs/list b/.zs/list
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..854eab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.zs/list
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Define the directory to iterate over from the first argument
+# Initialize the variable to hold the HTML list and date-file pairs
+# Check if the directory exists
+if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
+ # Find all Markdown files in the directory and store them in a variable
+ md_files=$(find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.md")
+ # Process each Markdown file in a regular loop (not in a subshell)
+ for md_file in $md_files; do
+ # Extract front matter using sed, ensure the file is quoted
+ front_matter=$(sed -n '/^---$/,/^---$/p' "$md_file")
+ # Extract date
+ date=$(echo "$front_matter" | grep '^date:' | sed 's/^date:[[:space:]]*//')
+ # If no date is found, use a default date
+ if [ -z "$date" ]; then
+ date="01-01-1970" # Default date if none is found
+ fi
+ # Add the date and file to the date_file_pairs variable, using printf to correctly append newlines
+ date_file_pairs=$(printf "%s\n%s|%s" "$date_file_pairs" "$date" "$md_file")
+ done
+ # Sort the date and file pairs by date
+ sorted_date_file_pairs=$(printf "%s" "$date_file_pairs" | sort -r -t "|" -k 1,1.2n -k 1.4,1.6n -k 1.8,1.12n)
+ # Create a file descriptor to avoid subshell issues
+ exec 3<<EOF
+ # Generate the navigation list
+ html="<ol class=\"list\">"
+ while IFS= read -r pair <&3; do
+ # Split the pair into date and filename using | as a delimiter
+ date=$(printf "%s" "$pair" | cut -d'|' -f1)
+ md_file=$(printf "%s" "$pair" | cut -d'|' -f2)
+ # Ensure md_file is not empty (safety check)
+ [ -z "$md_file" ] && continue
+ # Extract front matter again using sed, ensure md_file is quoted
+ front_matter=$(sed -n '/^---$/,/^---$/p' "$md_file")
+ # Extract title
+ title=$(echo "$front_matter" | grep '^title:' | sed 's/^title:[[:space:]]*//')
+ # Use filename as a fallback if title is empty
+ if [ -z "$title" ]; then
+ # Get the base filename without extension, quote the argument
+ base_name=$(basename "$md_file" .md)
+ # Replace hyphens and underscores with spaces for display
+ title=$(echo "$base_name" | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/_/ /g')
+ # Capitalize each word
+ title=$(echo "$title" | awk '{ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) $i=toupper(substr($i,1,1)) substr($i,2); print }')
+ fi
+ # Format the date using POSIX-compliant date formatting
+ if formatted_date=$(date -d "$date" '+%Y-%m-%d' 2>/dev/null); then
+ : # formatted_date is valid
+ else
+ formatted_date="$date"
+ fi
+ # Construct the link href, quote the argument
+ href="/$dir/$(basename "${}.html")"
+ # Append to the HTML list
+ html="$html<li><a href=\"$href\">$title</a><span class="subtle">(published: <time datetime=$formatted_date>$formatted_date</time>)</span></li>"
+ done
+ html="$html</ol>"
+ # Close file descriptor
+ exec 3<&-
+ # If the directory doesn't exist, set a message
+ html="<p>No pages found.</p>"
+# Output the HTML list
+echo "$html"